NYSC AAUP Event: Status of Adjunct/Contingent Faculty in NYS

Please join the NYSC AAUP for a summary and discussion of the results of the NYSC AAUP survey on the "Status of Adjunct/Contingent Faculty in NYS" on Thursday, February 25, at 6:30 pm. This invitation is open to all adjunct/contingent faculty in NYS, whether you are an AAUP member or not (please feel free to share this invitation with non-AAUP adjunct/contingent faculty). Supportive tenure-track and tenured faculty are also welcome to attend. A Zoom invite for this event is below.

Among other things topics will include the financial concerns of adjunct/contingent faculty; current working conditions; the need for authentic institutional support; the impact of teaching conditions on student success; job, food, and housing and healthcare insecurity; and the emotional cost of being an adjunct/contingent faculty member.

Presenters will include Ángel Martínez, Chair of the NYSC AAUP Committee on Faculty Holding Contingent Employment, Thomas Carroll, Chair of the NYSC AAUP Committee on the Economic Status of the Profession, and Sally Dear-Healey, Executive Director of the NYSC AAUP.

David Kociemba, East Coast Organizer at AAUP National will also present on how best to organize and represent adjuncts/contingent faculty on your campus.  


Academics for Peace North America Webinar: Academic Autonomy and Freedom in Turkey, 4th March, 8 pm (Istanbul time) | 6 pm (CET) | 12 pm (EST)


Faculty Development and AAUP Academic Freedom Series